Friday, November 5, 2010

Some Things are Best Left to the Professionals

When my husband and I got married, I had a couple options to choose from: be a psychopathic bridezilla or just let the people who know what they are doing, do their jobs.

Lucky for me (and everyone else) I chose the latter.  You see, these professionals have been doing their particular thing long enough to know what works and what doesn't.  Most of us have a vague idea of how we want things to be, but to implement them and get all the details just right takes a professional with experience.

My wedding was beautiful and perfect.  :)  It ran smoothly, I wasn't stressed out, everyone partied their hearts out, and at the end of the day, the most incredible man I've ever known on this Earth was my husband.

I started running in April 2010 after my friend, Erin, invited me to join her in the Gate City Striders Couch to 5K program.  After nine weeks, I went from weighing over 200 lbs and barely jogging 60 seconds to dropping 20 lbs and jogging continuously for 45 minutes straight.  I knew I wanted to try running, but the success was a result of the details and planning by the coaches who ran the C25K program in our club.

So naturally, after several months of sticking with this running thing and seeing progress, I thought I might actually be able to complete a sprint triathlon without dying.

I was still a good 40 lbs overweight and a bit clueless on how to train properly in running, let alone three disciplines at once (swim, bike & run).  But the not dying part is what ultimately lead me to my coach, Kate.

My main goal was to get proper training without hurting myself, have some accountability, and to share my success with someone.  I followed my trusty philosophy of leaving things to the pros, and I hired my coach.

I have survived week one and am now in week two of my official triathlon training plan.  I was intimidated by the schedule when Kate sent me week one, but to my surprise I've been able to do almost everything she's asked of me!

This is why we have professionals, people!  I would have never developed a week of training for myself like this.  First of all, I don't understand a lot of the physiology of the body to know what to do when and for how long, but I also don't know what I'm capable of yet.  She does.  She's worked with enough people to know where my start is.

Now, if my coach knows where my physical body's start is, then my Heavenly Father knows where my heart is.  As far as professionals go, He is the ultimate pro in all things.  He has filled my heart with hope and desire to improve my body's fitness and to fully enjoy this beautiful Earth He's given us to live on.  My heart's desire is to glorify him and to take good care of the one body He's given me for this one life.  I have a plan to complete a triathlon, but the steps are determined by my coach and my God.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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